


Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Tender unique ID data/ data/ uniqueId BizMachine ID unique across countries cz-tender-85c30945748a4d99af6efd8b455e24c6 Yes
Tender main buyer unique ID data/ data/ mainBuyer/ uniqueId BizMachine entity ID unique across countries cz-company-45245053 Inherited
Tender main buyer national ID data/ data/ mainBuyer/ nationalIn 45245053 Inherited
Tender main buyer name data/ data/ mainBuyer/ name ČESKÝ ROZHLAS No
Tender main buyer type data/ data/ mainBuyer/ type legal form category of the buying entity Company No
Tender buyer unique ID data/ data/ buyers/ uniqueId BizMachine entity ID unique across countries cz-company-45245053 Inherited
Tender buyer national ID data/ data/ buyers/ nationalIn 45245053 Inherited
Tender buyer name data/ data/ buyers/ name ČESKÝ ROZHLAS No
Tender buyer type data/ data/ buyers/ type Company No
Tender keywords data/ data/ keywords Currently not used null No
Tender URL on source data/ data/ url https://vestnikverejnychzakazek.cz/SearchForm/SearchContract?contractNumber=Z2022-015653 Yes
Tender filed at date data/ data/ filedAt 2021-05-20T14:57:10+00:00 Yes
Tender published at date data/ data/ publishedAt 2021-05-20T14:57:10+00:00 No
Tender updated on source at date data/ data/ updatedAt 2021-05-24T15:52:43+00:00 No
Tender bidding start date data/ data/ bidding/ startedAt 2021-05-20T13:07:40+00:00 No
Tender bidding end date data/ data/ bidding/ finishedAt 2021-06-21T10:00:00+00:00 No
Tender amount (precise value) data/ data/ value/ singleValue/ amount Currently not used 100.0 Inherited
Tender amount (precise value) data/ data/ value/ singleValue/ currency Currently not used CZK Inherited
Tender minimum amount VAT type data/ data/ value/ rangeValue/ lowerBound/ type Amount with/without VAT or unknown VatUnknown Inherited
Tender minimum amount data/ data/ value/ rangeValue/ lowerBound/ amount Minimum amount linked to the tender (expected or offered) 16500000 Inherited
Tender minimum amount currency data/ data/ value/ rangeValue/ lowerBound/ currency Minimum amount linked to the tender (expected or offered) CZK Inherited
Tender maximum amount VAT type data/ data/ value/ rangeValue/ upperBound/ type Amount with/without VAT or unknown VatUnknown Inherited
Tender maximum amount data/ data/ value/ rangeValue/ upperBound/ amount Maximum amount linked to the tender (expected or offered) 16500000 Inherited
Tender maximum amount currency data/ data/ value/ rangeValue/ upperBound/ currency Maximum amount linked to the tender (expected or offered) CZK Inherited
Tender supplier unique ID data/ data/ suppliers/ uniqueId Entity, which was awarded the deal BizMachine ID unique across countries cz-company-00268577 Inherited
Tender supplier national ID data/ data/ suppliers/ nationalIn Company, which was awarded the deal national ID 00268577 Inherited
Tender supplier name data/ data/ suppliers/ name Company, which was awarded the deal name Siemens, s.r.o. No
Tender supplier type data/ data/ suppliers/ type Company/physical person Company Inherited
Tender winning price VAT type data/ data/ suppliers/ value/ type Amount with/without VAT or unknown VatUnknown Inherited
Tender winning price data/ data/ suppliers/ value/ amount Awarded price 7165161 Inherited
Tender winning price currency data/ data/ suppliers/ value/ currency Awarded price currency CZK Inherited
Tender bidder unique ID data/ data/ bidders/ uniqueId BizMachine entity ID unique across countries cz-company-00268577 Inherited
Tender bidder national ID data/ data/ bidders/ nationalIn 00268577 Inherited
Tender bidder name data/ data/ bidders/ name Siemens, s.r.o. No
Tender bidder type data/ data/ bidders/ type Company/physical person Company Inherited
Tender offer VAT type data/ data/ bidders/ offer/ type Amount with/without VAT or unknown vatUnknown Inherited
Tender offer amount data/ data/ bidders/ offer/ ammount 500 Inherited
Tender offer currency data/ data/ bidders/ offer/ currency CZK Inherited
Tender title data/ data/ title Tender caption Zateplení střech budov 17 a 58 v areálu Siemens, s.r.o., odštěpný závod Elektromotory Frenštát Yes
Tender summary data/ data/ summary Short tender summary Předmětem tohoto projektu je rekonstrukce střešního pláště, výměna světlíků a systém na zajištění… No
Tender description data/ data/ text Long tender description Zateplení střech budov 17 a 58 v areálu Siemens, s.r.o., odštěpný závod Elektromotory Frenštát Předmětem tohoto projektu… Yes
Tender primary cpv (label) data/ data/ cpv/ primary/ name Primary product code (cpv) listed for the tender Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting No
Tender primary cpv (code) data/ data/ cpv/ primary/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/enums/cpv-codes 31000000-6 Inherited
Tender non-primary cpv (label) data/ data/ cpv/ others/ name Non-primary product code (cpv) listed for the tender Construction work for industrial buildings No
Tender non-primary cpv (code) data/ data/ cpv/ others/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/enums/cpv-codes 45213250-0 Inherited
Tender topics code data/ data/ topics/ code Currently not used null Inherited
Tender topics confidence data/ data/ topics/ confidence 0.9 Inherited
Tender topics name data/ data/ topics/ name automotive No
Tender process state code data/ data/ state/ code awarded Inherited
Tender process state name data/ data/ state/ name awarded No
Tender locality (code) data/ data/ locality/ code Currently not used null Inherited
Tender locality (label) data/ data/ locality/ name Currently not used null No
path Parameters
query Parameters
Array of strings or null

A collection of state codes to search for tenders.

string or null

National In Company ID for requested Tenders.

string (BizMachine.Prospector.Api.DataStructures.Dtos.Tenders.v3.Enums.RoleCode)

Role of requested Tenders.

Enum: "Any" "MainBuyer" "Buyer" "Supplier"
string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

number or null <double>

Value to search from.

number or null <double>

Value to search to.

Array of strings or null

A collection of primary CPVs to search for.

Array of strings or null

A collection of other CPVs to search for.

Array of strings or null <uuid>

Collection of Tag Uids to filter requested Tenders by only those which are listed on one of these tags.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [