
Bank Accounts (nationalIn)


Dataset description:

Bank accounts are useful as identifiers (unique across companies) and at the same time a bank account at a certain financial institution signals the focus of the company on international trade. Financial institutions among our clients can build useful segmentations with transition timeline between the banks.


cz, sk

Dataset updates:

Dataset is updated on a weekly to monthly basis

Selected use cases:

  • validate your banking data or use your transaction data to match customers to our data
  • monitor VAT payer status using bank accounts published in VAT registries
  • segment companies using multiple banks and/or competing banks
  • segment companies likely engaging into export/import activities using established foreign/global banks

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated?
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId unique company ID (to match with other datatsets) cz-company-14615100 Inherited
Bank account in local format data/ bankAccounts/ accountNumber account number in local country format 1152220360277/0100 No
Bank account identification date data/ bankAccounts/ validFrom first date on which the account has been identified 2018-03-05 Inherited
Bank account last valid date data/ bankAccounts/ validTo date when the bank account was cancelled 2019-03-05 No
Bank account in IBAN format data/ bankAccounts/ iban CZ8901000001152220360277 No
Local bank identification code data/ bankAccounts/ bank/ code Enumeration bank identification code for api/ v3/ companies/ banks 0100 Inherited
Bank name data/ bankAccounts/ bank/ name local bank name Komerční banka No
Bank logo data/ bankAccounts/ bank/ icon/ url https://www.test.cz/img.jpg No
Source of bank account (code) data/ bankAccounts/ sources/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/Sources cz-adis Inherited
Source of bank account (name) data/ bankAccounts/ sources/ name on which source has the account been identified Registr plátců DPH No
path Parameters

NationalIn identifier as a string.



Response samples
  • "data": {
  • "meta": {

Bank Accounts


Dataset description:

Bank accounts are useful as identifiers (unique across companies) and at the same time a bank account at a certain financial institution signals the focus of the company on international trade. Financial institutions among our clients can build useful segmentations with transition timeline between the banks.


cz, sk

Dataset updates:

Dataset is updated on a weekly to monthly basis

Selected use cases:

  • validate your banking data or use your transaction data to match customers to our data
  • monitor VAT payer status using bank accounts published in VAT registries
  • segment companies using multiple banks and/or competing banks
  • segment companies likely engaging into export/import activities using established foreign/global banks

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated?
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId unique company ID (to match with other datatsets) cz-company-14615100 Inherited
Bank account in local format data/ bankAccounts/ accountNumber account number in local country format 1152220360277/0100 No
Bank account identification date data/ bankAccounts/ validFrom first date on which the account has been identified 2018-03-05 Inherited
Bank account last valid date data/ bankAccounts/ validTo date when the bank account was cancelled 2019-03-05 No
Bank account in IBAN format data/ bankAccounts/ iban CZ8901000001152220360277 No
Local bank identification code data/ bankAccounts/ bank/ code Enumeration bank identification code for api/ v3/ companies/ banks 0100 Inherited
Bank name data/ bankAccounts/ bank/ name local bank name Komerční banka No
Bank logo data/ bankAccounts/ bank/ icon/ url https://www.test.cz/img.jpg No
Source of bank account (code) data/ bankAccounts/ sources/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/Sources cz-adis Inherited
Source of bank account (name) data/ bankAccounts/ sources/ name on which source has the account been identified Registr plátců DPH No
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [

Contacts (nationalIn)


Dataset description:

Contact details for the company split into phones, emails, urls and social media. Dataset combines 2 levels of contact details - personal and generic. While generic contacts are isolated, typically like info@company.com, a personal contact (phones, emails or professional social media profiles) is linked to a person profile with name and role in the company.

All contact details are regularly verified and we guarantee availability on the source url within the previous 30 days, thereby complying with most GDPR policies. Personal contacts are verified on a weekly basis.

All our contact data originate from publicly available sources. We do not use any purchased contact lists from 3rd parties.

A contact like john.smith@company.com may be considered generic when detailed information about the person (name,role) are not explicitly published on the website or our system is unable to link these into a single profile.


cz, sk, hu

Dataset updates:

Updates of our contacts differ across sources. While in contacts sourced from company websites are parsed and verified on a continuous basis, company catalogues and contacts coming from job postings follow weekly updates.

Selected use cases:

  • avoid GDPR issues by having a publicly available source of your contact, ready to show when challenged
  • filter specific roles in your target company using our Role enumeration and approach only contacts you specifically need
  • increase conversion using our confidence indication and call the numbers we cross-validated across multiple data sources
  • monitor departures from your target company by taking advantage of our Linkedin update tracking / verification service

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-14615100 Yes
Contact person ID data/ contacts/ people/ id Internal file ID to connect a person with phones, emails, etc. 1 Inherited
Contact person unique ID data/ contacts/ people/ uniqueId cz-person-ABC12345677 Inherited
Contact full name data/ contacts/ people/ name/ text Full name of the person (first & last) as a text string Jiří Částka Inherited
Contact first name data/ contacts/ people/ name/ firstName First name of the contact person Jiří No
Contact last name data/ contacts/ people/ name/ lastName Last name of the contact person Částka No
Contact role (label) data/ contacts/ people/ roles/ text Role of the contact person in a given company Elektromechanický technik Inherited
Contact role (code) data/ contacts/ people/ roles/ code a8e26a257d Inherited
Contact role start date data/ contacts/ people/ roles/ validFrom Date, when the contact person has been first identified in the role 2021-03-15T23:36:03+00:00 Inherited
Contact role end date data/ contacts/ people/ roles/ validTo 2021-03-15T23:36:03+00:00 No
Contact department text data/ contacts/ departments/ roles/ text ABC123 Inherited
Contact department code data/ contacts/ departments/ roles/ code Handyman Inherited
Contact department start date data/ contacts/ departments/ roles/ validFrom 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 Inherited
Contact department end date data/ contacts/ departments/ roles/ validTo 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 No
Phone number unique ID data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ guid Technical phone number ID 84811132-1830-4278-1934-0a78f7636a02 Inherited
Phone number first entry data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ createdAt Date on which the phone number has been identified for the first time 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 Inherited
Phone number last update data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ updatedAt Last known update of the phone number 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 No
Phone number primary data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ isPrimary 3 most credible phone numbers (with the highest confidence) per company are referenced as "primary" True No
Phone number confidence data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ confidence Contact-to-company link confidence 0.98 Inherited
Phone number private data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ isPrivate When TRUE, the phone number has been identified as potentially linked to a specific individual (as opposed to company generic contact) True No
Phone number source URL data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources/ url Where has the phone number been found https://www.zivefirmy.cz/mapro_f1072996?cz=548 Inherited
Phone number last validity check data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources/ lastCheckedAt Date of last check, when the phone number has been found on the source 2022-02-16T12:23:52+00:00 Inherited
Phone number source (code) data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources cz-zivefirmycz Inherited
Phone number source (label) data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources/ name Name of the source of information Zivefirmy.cz No
Phone number linked contact person ID data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ person/ id Internal person reference linking the phone number to a person 42619 Inherited
Phone number data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ value The actual phone number 00420585157811 Inherited
Email unique ID data/ contacts/ emails/ guid TBD f52f6f95-a039-e93d-08cc-b05a62569c5c Inherited
Email first entry data/ contacts/ emails/ createdAt Date on which the email has been identified for the first time 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 Inherited
Email last update data/ contacts/ emails/ updatedAt Last known update of the email address 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 No
Email primary data/ contacts/ emails/ isPrimary 3 most credible emails (with the highest confidence) per company are referenced as "primary" True No
Email confidence data/ contacts/ emails/ confidence 0.98 Inherited
Email private data/ contacts/ emails/ isPrivate Has thise email address been identfied as possible belonging to a specific individual (as opposed to company generic)? True No
Email source URL data/ contacts/ emails/ sources/ url Where has the email address been found https://www.mapro.cz/kontakt/mapro-cz/ Inherited
Email last validity check data/ contacts/ emails/ sources/ lastCheckedAt Date of last check, when the email address has been found on the source 2022-03-04T08:58:08+00:00 Inherited
Email source (code) data/ contacts/ emails/ sources/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources cz-uradprace Inherited
Email source (label) data/ contacts/ emails/ sources/ name Name of the source of information Úřad Práce ČR No
Email linked contact person ID data/ contacts/ emails/ person/ id Internal person reference linking the email to a person 42619 Inherited
Email data/ contacts/ emails/ value The actual email address jelinkova@mapro.cz Inherited
Website unique ID data/ contacts/ websites/ guid Uniqe ID of the specific website 49307135-52cc-b9bb-4415-e0525bc858d5 Inherited
Website first entry data/ contacts/ websites/ createdAt First date when the website was identified and linked to the company 2022-02-08T08:35:56.607+00:00 Inherited
Website last update data/ contacts/ websites/ updatedAt Latest update of the website database entry 2022-02-08T08:35:56.607+00:00 No
Website primary data/ contacts/ websites/ isPrimary 3 most credible emails (with the highest confidence) per company are referenced as "primary" True No
Website confidence data/ contacts/ websites/ confidence How confident are we that the website belongs to this company (probabilistic matching used) 0.99 Inherited
website private data/ contacts/ websites/ isPrivate Has thise email address been identfied as possible belonging to a specific individual (as opposed to company generic)? True No
Website source URL data/ contacts/ websites/ sources/ url URL of the source, where we have found the website https://www.edb.eu/czech-firm-119752-mapro-s-r-o/contact Inherited
Website last validity check data/ contacts/ websites/ sources/ lastCheckedAt Date of last check of the information availability on source 2022-02-08T08:35:57+00:00 Inherited
Website source (code) data/ contacts/ websites/ sources/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources cz-edb Inherited
Website source (label) data/ contacts/ websites/ sources/ name Name of the source of information Evropská databanka firem No
Website linked contact person ID data/ contacts/ websites/ person/ id Internal person reference linking the email to a person 42619 Inherited
Website data/ contacts/ websites/ value The actual website URL http://mapro.cz Inherited
Social media name (code) data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ type/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources linkedin Inherited
Social media account unique ID data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ guid Uniqe ID of the specific social media profile c37707bb-8185-d709-10ba-8eb92e3113f2 Inherited
Social media account first entry data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ createdAt First date when the social media profile was identified and linked to the company 2022-03-06T09:24:57.24+00:00 Inherited
Social media account last update data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ updatedAt Latest update of the social media profile database entry 2022-03-06T09:24:57.24+00:00 No
Social media account primary data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ isPrimary Is this the primary profile for the specific social media for this company True No
Social media account confidence data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ confidence How confident are we that the social media profile belongs to this company (probabilistic matching used) 1 Inherited
Social media account private data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ isPrivate Is this social media profile personal (i.e., not a company profile, but individual person's profile) True No
Social media account source URL data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ sources/ url https://www.linkedin.com/in/ale%C5%A1-krac%C3%ADk-b8a1421a7 Inherited
Social media account last validity check data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ sources/ lastCheckedAt 2021-03-15T23:01:19+00:00 Inherited
Social media account source (code) data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ sources/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources linkedin Inherited
Social media account source (label) data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ sources/ name Social media name Linkedin No
Social media account linked contact person ID data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ person/ id Internal person reference linking the LinkedIn account to a person 207342 Inherited
Social media account data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ value The actual LinkedIn profile URL https://www.linkedin.com/in/ale%C5%A1-krac%C3%ADk-b8a1421a7 Inherited
path Parameters

Company unique identifier to get company contacts data for.



Response samples
  • "data": {
  • "meta": {



Dataset description:

Contact details for the company split into phones, emails, urls and social media. Dataset combines 2 levels of contact details - personal and generic. While generic contacts are isolated, typically like info@company.com, a personal contact (phones, emails or professional social media profiles) is linked to a person profile with name and role in the company.

All contact details are regularly verified and we guarantee availability on the source url within the previous 30 days, thereby complying with most GDPR policies. Personal contacts are verified on a weekly basis.

All our contact data originate from publicly available sources. We do not use any purchased contact lists from 3rd parties.

A contact like john.smith@company.com may be considered generic when detailed information about the person (name,role) are not explicitly published on the website or our system is unable to link these into a single profile.


cz, sk, hu

Dataset updates:

Updates of our contacts differ across sources. While in contacts sourced from company websites are parsed and verified on a continuous basis, company catalogues and contacts coming from job postings follow weekly updates.

Selected use cases:

  • avoid GDPR issues by having a publicly available source of your contact, ready to show when challenged
  • filter specific roles in your target company using our Role enumeration and approach only contacts you specifically need
  • increase conversion using our confidence indication and call the numbers we cross-validated across multiple data sources
  • monitor departures from your target company by taking advantage of our Linkedin update tracking / verification service

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-14615100 Yes
Contact person ID data/ contacts/ people/ id Internal file ID to connect a person with phones, emails, etc. 1 Inherited
Contact person unique ID data/ contacts/ people/ uniqueId cz-person-ABC12345677 Inherited
Contact full name data/ contacts/ people/ name/ text Full name of the person (first & last) as a text string Jiří Částka Inherited
Contact first name data/ contacts/ people/ name/ firstName First name of the contact person Jiří No
Contact last name data/ contacts/ people/ name/ lastName Last name of the contact person Částka No
Contact role (label) data/ contacts/ people/ roles/ text Role of the contact person in a given company Elektromechanický technik Inherited
Contact role (code) data/ contacts/ people/ roles/ code a8e26a257d Inherited
Contact role start date data/ contacts/ people/ roles/ validFrom Date, when the contact person has been first identified in the role 2021-03-15T23:36:03+00:00 Inherited
Contact role end date data/ contacts/ people/ roles/ validTo 2021-03-15T23:36:03+00:00 No
Contact department text data/ contacts/ departments/ roles/ text ABC123 Inherited
Contact department code data/ contacts/ departments/ roles/ code Handyman Inherited
Contact department start date data/ contacts/ departments/ roles/ validFrom 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 Inherited
Contact department end date data/ contacts/ departments/ roles/ validTo 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 No
Phone number unique ID data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ guid Technical phone number ID 84811132-1830-4278-1934-0a78f7636a02 Inherited
Phone number first entry data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ createdAt Date on which the phone number has been identified for the first time 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 Inherited
Phone number last update data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ updatedAt Last known update of the phone number 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 No
Phone number primary data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ isPrimary 3 most credible phone numbers (with the highest confidence) per company are referenced as "primary" True No
Phone number confidence data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ confidence Contact-to-company link confidence 0.98 Inherited
Phone number private data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ isPrivate When TRUE, the phone number has been identified as potentially linked to a specific individual (as opposed to company generic contact) True No
Phone number source URL data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources/ url Where has the phone number been found https://www.zivefirmy.cz/mapro_f1072996?cz=548 Inherited
Phone number last validity check data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources/ lastCheckedAt Date of last check, when the phone number has been found on the source 2022-02-16T12:23:52+00:00 Inherited
Phone number source (code) data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources cz-zivefirmycz Inherited
Phone number source (label) data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources/ name Name of the source of information Zivefirmy.cz No
Phone number linked contact person ID data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ person/ id Internal person reference linking the phone number to a person 42619 Inherited
Phone number data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ value The actual phone number 00420585157811 Inherited
Email unique ID data/ contacts/ emails/ guid TBD f52f6f95-a039-e93d-08cc-b05a62569c5c Inherited
Email first entry data/ contacts/ emails/ createdAt Date on which the email has been identified for the first time 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 Inherited
Email last update data/ contacts/ emails/ updatedAt Last known update of the email address 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 No
Email primary data/ contacts/ emails/ isPrimary 3 most credible emails (with the highest confidence) per company are referenced as "primary" True No
Email confidence data/ contacts/ emails/ confidence 0.98 Inherited
Email private data/ contacts/ emails/ isPrivate Has thise email address been identfied as possible belonging to a specific individual (as opposed to company generic)? True No
Email source URL data/ contacts/ emails/ sources/ url Where has the email address been found https://www.mapro.cz/kontakt/mapro-cz/ Inherited
Email last validity check data/ contacts/ emails/ sources/ lastCheckedAt Date of last check, when the email address has been found on the source 2022-03-04T08:58:08+00:00 Inherited
Email source (code) data/ contacts/ emails/ sources/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources cz-uradprace Inherited
Email source (label) data/ contacts/ emails/ sources/ name Name of the source of information Úřad Práce ČR No
Email linked contact person ID data/ contacts/ emails/ person/ id Internal person reference linking the email to a person 42619 Inherited
Email data/ contacts/ emails/ value The actual email address jelinkova@mapro.cz Inherited
Website unique ID data/ contacts/ websites/ guid Uniqe ID of the specific website 49307135-52cc-b9bb-4415-e0525bc858d5 Inherited
Website first entry data/ contacts/ websites/ createdAt First date when the website was identified and linked to the company 2022-02-08T08:35:56.607+00:00 Inherited
Website last update data/ contacts/ websites/ updatedAt Latest update of the website database entry 2022-02-08T08:35:56.607+00:00 No
Website primary data/ contacts/ websites/ isPrimary 3 most credible emails (with the highest confidence) per company are referenced as "primary" True No
Website confidence data/ contacts/ websites/ confidence How confident are we that the website belongs to this company (probabilistic matching used) 0.99 Inherited
website private data/ contacts/ websites/ isPrivate Has thise email address been identfied as possible belonging to a specific individual (as opposed to company generic)? True No
Website source URL data/ contacts/ websites/ sources/ url URL of the source, where we have found the website https://www.edb.eu/czech-firm-119752-mapro-s-r-o/contact Inherited
Website last validity check data/ contacts/ websites/ sources/ lastCheckedAt Date of last check of the information availability on source 2022-02-08T08:35:57+00:00 Inherited
Website source (code) data/ contacts/ websites/ sources/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources cz-edb Inherited
Website source (label) data/ contacts/ websites/ sources/ name Name of the source of information Evropská databanka firem No
Website linked contact person ID data/ contacts/ websites/ person/ id Internal person reference linking the email to a person 42619 Inherited
Website data/ contacts/ websites/ value The actual website URL http://mapro.cz Inherited
Social media name (code) data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ type/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources linkedin Inherited
Social media account unique ID data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ guid Uniqe ID of the specific social media profile c37707bb-8185-d709-10ba-8eb92e3113f2 Inherited
Social media account first entry data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ createdAt First date when the social media profile was identified and linked to the company 2022-03-06T09:24:57.24+00:00 Inherited
Social media account last update data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ updatedAt Latest update of the social media profile database entry 2022-03-06T09:24:57.24+00:00 No
Social media account primary data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ isPrimary Is this the primary profile for the specific social media for this company True No
Social media account confidence data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ confidence How confident are we that the social media profile belongs to this company (probabilistic matching used) 1 Inherited
Social media account private data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ isPrivate Is this social media profile personal (i.e., not a company profile, but individual person's profile) True No
Social media account source URL data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ sources/ url https://www.linkedin.com/in/ale%C5%A1-krac%C3%ADk-b8a1421a7 Inherited
Social media account last validity check data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ sources/ lastCheckedAt 2021-03-15T23:01:19+00:00 Inherited
Social media account source (code) data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ sources/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources linkedin Inherited
Social media account source (label) data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ sources/ name Social media name Linkedin No
Social media account linked contact person ID data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ person/ id Internal person reference linking the LinkedIn account to a person 207342 Inherited
Social media account data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ value The actual LinkedIn profile URL https://www.linkedin.com/in/ale%C5%A1-krac%C3%ADk-b8a1421a7 Inherited
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [

NACE Codes


Dataset description:

NACE codes are a system of European industry classification. Most commonly a national statistical authority is responsible for maintaining NACE enumeration and assignment of companies into or multiple NACE categories. In addition to collection of official datasets, BizMachine uses an AI model (cz only) to classify the company into a "true" NACE code given free-text description on the website or other company catalogues. Such codes are available in the dataset as "identified"


cz, sk, hu

Dataset updates:

Dataset is updated on a monthly basis

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-05450641 Yes
Source(s) of primary NACE data (code) data/ nace/ primary/ source/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/Sources cz-czso Inherited
Source(s) of primary NACE data (label) data/ nace/ primary/ source/ name Český statistický úřad No
Primary NACE validated data/ nace/ primary/ isVerified NACE validated using an alternative source False No
Primary NACE (code) data/ nace/ primary/ code NACE enumeration for /api/v3/nace-codes 74 Yes
Primary NACE (label) data/ nace/ primary/ name Name of the NACE as published by public administration Other professional, scientific and technical activities No
Confidence in identified NACE code data/ nace/ primary/ confidence 0.9 Inherited
Primary NACE identification method data/ nace/ primary/ type Is the NACE found on source or probabilisticaly determined (Source/Identified) Source Yes
Source(s) of non-primary NACE data (code) data/ nace/ other/ source/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/Sources cz-czso Inherited
Source(s) of non-primary NACE data (label) data/ nace/ other/ source/ name Český statistický úřad No
Non-primary NACE validated data/ nace/ other/ isVerified NACE validated using an alternative source False No
Non-primary NACE (code) data/ nace/ other/ code NACE enumeration for /api/v3/nace-codes 6820 Yes
Non-primary NACE (label) data/ nace/ other/ name Renting and operating of own or leased real estate No
Non-primary NACE identification method data/ nace/ other/ type Is the NACE found on source or probabilisticaly determined (Source/Identified) Source Yes
Confidence in identified NACE code data/ nace/ other/ confidence 0.9 No
path Parameters
query Parameters
integer or null <int32>
integer or null <int32>
string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [

NACE Codes (nationalIn)


Dataset description:

NACE codes are a system of European industry classification. Most commonly a national statistical authority is responsible for maintaining NACE enumeration and assignment of companies into or multiple NACE categories. In addition to collection of official datasets, BizMachine uses an AI model (cz only) to classify the company into a "true" NACE code given free-text description on the website or other company catalogues. Such codes are available in the dataset as "identified"


cz, sk, hu

Dataset updates:

Dataset is updated on a monthly basis

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-05450641 Yes
Source(s) of primary NACE data (code) data/ nace/ primary/ source/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/Sources cz-czso Inherited
Source(s) of primary NACE data (label) data/ nace/ primary/ source/ name Český statistický úřad No
Primary NACE validated data/ nace/ primary/ isVerified NACE validated using an alternative source False No
Primary NACE (code) data/ nace/ primary/ code NACE enumeration for /api/v3/nace-codes 74 Yes
Primary NACE (label) data/ nace/ primary/ name Name of the NACE as published by public administration Other professional, scientific and technical activities No
Confidence in identified NACE code data/ nace/ primary/ confidence 0.9 Inherited
Primary NACE identification method data/ nace/ primary/ type Is the NACE found on source or probabilisticaly determined (Source/Identified) Source Yes
Source(s) of non-primary NACE data (code) data/ nace/ other/ source/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/Sources cz-czso Inherited
Source(s) of non-primary NACE data (label) data/ nace/ other/ source/ name Český statistický úřad No
Non-primary NACE validated data/ nace/ other/ isVerified NACE validated using an alternative source False No
Non-primary NACE (code) data/ nace/ other/ code NACE enumeration for /api/v3/nace-codes 6820 Yes
Non-primary NACE (label) data/ nace/ other/ name Renting and operating of own or leased real estate No
Non-primary NACE identification method data/ nace/ other/ type Is the NACE found on source or probabilisticaly determined (Source/Identified) Source Yes
Confidence in identified NACE code data/ nace/ other/ confidence 0.9 No
path Parameters

Company unique identifier to get company data for.



Response samples
  • "data": {
  • "meta": {

Owners (nationalIn)


Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-46965823 Yes
Owner person name data/ owners/ name Ing. Boris Lucký Yes
Source of the information of ownership data/ owners/ source cz-or Yes
Owner person date of birth data/ owners/ dateOfBirth 1955-11-16 No
Owner person registered address data/ owners/ address/ uniqueId Source enum code for /api/v3/Addresses/ cz-address-ruian-023250674 Inherited
Unique pseudonymized person ID data/ owners/ uniqueId cz-person-3902469372372050907 Inherited
Type of owner person (legal, private) data/ owners/ type Person Yes
Ownership share data/ owners/ share 0.55 No
Ownership start date data/ owners/ validFrom 1997-04-14 Yes
Ownership end date data/ owners/ validTo 1997-04-14 No
Owner role data/ owners/ role/ value společník s vkladem Inherited
path Parameters

An international Company identifier as a string.

query Parameters

Should data include connected companies.


Sets whether or not previous owners are included in the results, default is .



Response samples
  • "data": {
  • "meta": {



Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-46965823 Yes
Owner person name data/ owners/ name Ing. Boris Lucký Yes
Source of the information of ownership data/ owners/ source cz-or Yes
Owner person date of birth data/ owners/ dateOfBirth 1955-11-16 No
Owner person registered address data/ owners/ address/ uniqueId Source enum code for /api/v3/Addresses/ cz-address-ruian-023250674 Inherited
Unique pseudonymized person ID data/ owners/ uniqueId cz-person-3902469372372050907 Inherited
Type of owner person (legal, private) data/ owners/ type Person Yes
Ownership share data/ owners/ share 0.55 No
Ownership start date data/ owners/ validFrom 1997-04-14 Yes
Ownership end date data/ owners/ validTo 1997-04-14 No
Owner role data/ owners/ role/ value společník s vkladem Inherited
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [

Risks (nationalIn)


Dataset description:

Dataset contains list of risks associated with a company. Each type of a risk is entered as unique property under node risks and it's name should match entry in dictionary of risk-types. Risk may form a timeline and can be assigned and removed over time.

Dataset updates:

Dataset is updated on a bi-weekly basis, with selected events updated daily.

Selected use cases:

  • filter out companies affected by different risk events
  • mitigate secondary risk by observing risks in connected companies network

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Always populated? Path Item description Example Always populated?
Entity unique ID Yes company/ uniqueId unique company ID (to match with other datatsets) cz-company-45309183 Yes
Risk label No risks/ riskName/ name name of the risk Bankrot No
Risk severity Inherited risks/ riskName/ timeline/ severity how "bad" is the risk for a given stage (0 = none, 1 = low, 10 = high) 10 Inherited
Risk start date Inherited risks/ riskName/ timeline/ validFrom since when is the entity in this stage 2022-03-03T00:00:00+00:00 Inherited
Risk end date No risks/ riskName/ timeline/ validTo 2022-03-03T00:00:00+00:00 No
Connected company ID Inherited risks/ riskName/ timeline/ connectedCompanies/ uniqueId cz-company-14615100 Inherited
Connected company NationalIN Inherited risks/ riskName/ timeline/ connectedCompanies/ nationalIn 14615100 Inherited
Connected company name No risks/ riskName/ timeline/ connectedCompanies/ name Firma s.r.o. No
Source of risk data (code) Inherited risks/ bankruptcy/ timeline/ sources/ code Enumeration code of information source for /api/v3/Sources cz-isir Inherited
Source of risk data (label) No risks/ bankruptcy/ timeline/ sources/ name name of the information source Insolvenční rejstřík No
path Parameters

Company unique identifier to get company risks data for.



Response samples
  • "data": {
  • "meta": {



Dataset description:

Dataset contains list of risks associated with a company. Each type of a risk is entered as unique property under node risks and it's name should match entry in dictionary of risk-types. Risk may form a timeline and can be assigned and removed over time.

Dataset updates:

Dataset is updated on a bi-weekly basis, with selected events updated daily.

Selected use cases:

  • filter out companies affected by different risk events
  • mitigate secondary risk by observing risks in connected companies network

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Always populated? Path Item description Example Always populated?
Entity unique ID Yes company/ uniqueId unique company ID (to match with other datatsets) cz-company-45309183 Yes
Risk label No risks/ riskName/ name name of the risk Bankrot No
Risk severity Inherited risks/ riskName/ timeline/ severity how "bad" is the risk for a given stage (0 = none, 1 = low, 10 = high) 10 Inherited
Risk start date Inherited risks/ riskName/ timeline/ validFrom since when is the entity in this stage 2022-03-03T00:00:00+00:00 Inherited
Risk end date No risks/ riskName/ timeline/ validTo 2022-03-03T00:00:00+00:00 No
Connected company ID Inherited risks/ riskName/ timeline/ connectedCompanies/ uniqueId cz-company-14615100 Inherited
Connected company NationalIN Inherited risks/ riskName/ timeline/ connectedCompanies/ nationalIn 14615100 Inherited
Connected company name No risks/ riskName/ timeline/ connectedCompanies/ name Firma s.r.o. No
Source of risk data (code) Inherited risks/ bankruptcy/ timeline/ sources/ code Enumeration code of information source for /api/v3/Sources cz-isir Inherited
Source of risk data (label) No risks/ bankruptcy/ timeline/ sources/ name name of the information source Insolvenční rejstřík No
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [



Dataset description:

Vehicles dataset lists individual vehicles from the national registration authority and includes their technical parameters, model, roadworthiness inspections. Vehicles are linked to operator and owner company. BizMachine computes several metrics and estimates about the individual vehicle's lifetime.

:warning: Vehicles registered before 2014 may be missing or have a limited coverage of operator and owner data trail.



Dataset updates:

Vehicle data is updated on a monthly basis. Basic registration data is available at on the 6th day of month. Related datasets such as operator changes, inspections and metrics follow in the 15-18th day.

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Vehicle unique ID data/ data/ uniqueId BizMachine ID unique across countries cz-vehicle-123456 Yes
Vehicle VIN data/ data/ vin 17-digit alphanumeric VIN code unique for each vehicle 4Y1SL65848Z411439 No
Vehicle long name data/ data/ name Long name as described in vehicle registry ŠKODA ENYAQ 80 D0ON1AA ACEBJAL1FX2 NY No
Vehicle technical certificate number data/ data/ certificateNumber "Technicky prukaz" in Czech UL969804 No
Vehicle category (code) data/ data/ category/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/vehicles/enums/categories M1 Inherited
Vehicle category (label) data/ data/ category/ name Passenger vehicles with no more than eight seats and mass not exceeding 3.5 tons No
Vehicle make (code) data/ data/ make/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/vehicles/enums/makes V0031 No
Vehicle make (text) data/ data/ make/ text Vehicle make as gathered on the source ŠKODA No
Vehicle make (label) data/ data/ make/ name Vehicle make processed ŠKODA No
Vehicle make logo URL data/ data/ make/ icon/ url https://cdn.bizmachine.com/images/icons/car_brands/Skoda.png Inherited
Vehicle model (code) data/ data/ model/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/vehicles/enums/models V1241 No
Vehicle model (text) data/ data/ model/ text Vehicle model as gathered on the source ENYAQ 80 No
Vehicle model (label) data/ data/ model/ name Vehicle model processed ENYAQ 80 No
Vehicle type (text) data/ data/ type/ code pass-sedan Inherited
Vehicle type (label) data/ data/ type/ name OSOBNÍ SEDAN No
Vehicle status when registered data/ status New/ used New Yes
Vehicle weight unit data/ data/ weight/ total/ unit kg No
Vehicle weight data/ data/ weight/ total/ value 2090 No
Vehicle engine displacement unit data/ data/ engine/ displacement/ unit cm3 No
Vehicle engine displacement value data/ data/ engine/ displacement/ value 1893 No
Vehicle engine fuel type data/ data/ engine/ fuelType dies No
Vehicle body data/ data/ body/ color ČERNÁ Inherited
Vehicle first globally registered operator type data/ data/ registrations/ international/ type Currently not used unknown No
Vehicle first global registration termination method data/ data/ registrations/ international/ terminationMethod Currently not used null No
Vehicle first global registration address data/ data/ registrations/ international/ address/ text Currently not used null No
Vehicle first global registration valid from date data/ data/ registrations/ international/ validFrom Can be the same as first domestic registration if the first registration was domestic 2019-07-17 Inherited
Vehicle first global registration valid till date data/ data/ registrations/ international/ validTo Currently not used null No
Vehicle first domestic registrant national entity ID data/ data/ registrations/ domestic/ nationalIn Registering operator national ID 01759299 Inherited
Vehicle first domestic registrant unique entity ID data/ data/ registrations/ domestic/ uniqueId Registering operator BizMachine entity ID unique across countries cz-company-01759299 Inherited
Vehicle first domestic registrant type data/ data/ registrations/ domestic/ type Registering operator company/ person Company No
Vehicle first domestic registration address as on source data/ data/ registrations/ domestic/ address/ text Typically registration district ŠUMPERK No
Vehicle first domestic registration locality (code) data/ data/ registrations/ domestic/ address/ locality/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/enums/localities CZ0715 Inherited
Vehicle first domestic registration locality (label) data/ data/ registrations/ domestic/ address/ locality/ name Typically registration district Šumperk No
Vehicle first domestic registration valid from date data/ data/ registrations/ domestic/ validFrom 2022-03-31 Inherited
Vehicle first domestic registration valid till date data/ data/ registrations/ domestic/ validTo Currently not used null No
Vehicle registered owner type data/ data/ owners/ type Company/ person Company Inherited
Vehicle registered owner entity unique ID data/ data/ owners/ uniqueId BizMachine entity ID unique across countries cz-company-15886492 Inherited
Vehicle registered owner entity national ID data/ data/ owners/ nationalIn 15886492 No
Vehicle registered owner entity name data/ data/ owners/ name UniCredit Leasing CZ, a.s. No
Vehicle registered owner registration start date data/ data/ owners/ validFrom 2022-03-31 Inherited
Vehicle registered owner registration end date data/ data/ owners/ validTo Currently not used null No
Vehicle registered operator type data/ data/ operators/ type Company Inherited
Vehicle registered operator entity unique ID data/ data/ operators/ uniqueId BizMachine entity ID unique across countries cz-company-06618286 Inherited
Vehicle registered operator entity national ID data/ data/ operators/ nationalIn 06618286 No
Vehicle registered operator entity name data/ data/ operators/ name Účetnictví B i S s.r.o. No
Vehicle registered operator registration start date data/ data/ operators/ validFrom 2022-03-31 Inherited
Vehicle registered operator registration end date data/ data/ operators/ validTo Currently not used null No
Vehicle attribute (code) data/ data/ attributes/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/vehicles/enums/attributes LEASED Inherited
Vehicle attribute (label) data/ data/ attributes/ name Describe various "qualities" of the vehicle, or of the relationship vehicle - company Leased No
path Parameters
query Parameters
string (BizMachine.Prospector.Api.DataStructures.Dtos.Vehicles.v3.Params.VehicleNationalInSearchScope)
Enum: "Owners" "Operators" "Any"
string or null
string or null
string or null <date-time>

Bottom filtering bound to filter by. This lower bound is included in the results.

string or null <date-time>

Upper filtering bound to filter by. Upper bound is not included in the results.

Array of strings or null
Array of strings or null
Array of strings or null
Array of strings or null
Array of strings or null (BizMachine.Prospector.Api.DataStructures.Dtos.Vehicles.v3.Properties.VehicleStatus)
Enum: "New" "Used" "Exported" "Removed"
Array of strings or null
string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [