


Dataset description:

Locations are physical outlets or premises of the company in addition to its HQ.


cz, sk

Dataset updates:

Dataset is updated on a quarterly basis.

Selected use cases:

  • compare your coverage with geographical distribution of your portfolios premises
  • segment locations by category
  • enrich your own locations dataset by official address points, GPS coordinates and other address features
  • see best rated premises at multiple social networks (google, facebook)

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Location unique ID data/ data/ uniqueId BizMachine ID unique across countries cz-location-BMPCZ00002613 Yes
Address unique ID data/ data/ address/ uniqueId BizMachine ID unique across countries cz-address-other-5f1dd281fe71eeba5bcbfe92d78f4bf3 Yes
Address (text) data/ data/ address/ text Full address as a text string Špitálské náměstí 3517/1a, Ústí nad Labem, okres Ústí nad Labem, Ústecký kraj, Česko Yes
Address GPS latitude data/ data/ address/ coordinates/ latitude 50.6628916667 Inherited
Address GPS longitude data/ data/ address/ coordinates/ longitude 14.0329444444 Inherited
Address street name data/ data/ address/ streetName Třeboňská No
Address street number data/ data/ address/ streetNumber 1002/91 No
Address city data/ data/ address/ city Ústí nad Labem No
Address ZIP code data/ data/ address/ postalCode 36005 No
Address locality (code) data/ data/ address/ locality/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/enums/localities 567892 Inherited
Address locality (label) data/ data/ address/ locality/ name Ústí nad Labem-město No
Address Czech specific city part data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ cityPart Nové Město No
Address Czech specific city district data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ cityDistrict Praha 2 No
Address Czech specific orientation number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ orientationNumber 1 No
Address Czech specific house number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ houseNumber 1961 No
Address Czech specific is evidence number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ isEvidenceNumber true No
Address Czech specific address point number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ addressPointNumber Unique ID for each address point in CZ by RUIAN 21735883 No
Address Czech specific building number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ buildingNumber Unique ID for each building in CZ by RUIAN 21674825 No
Address Czech specific street number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ streetNumber 470881 No
Address Czech specific city borough number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ cityBoroughNumber 27 No
Address Czech specific city district number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ cityDistrictNumber 27500089 No
Address Czech specific municipality part number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ municipalityPartNumber 490148 No
Address Czech specific municipality number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ municipalityNumber 554782 No
Address Czech specific basic settlement unit number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ basicSettlementUnitNumber 127311 No
Address Czech specific cadaster area number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ cadasterAreaNumber 727181 No
Address Czech specific cadaster plot number data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ plotNumber No
Address Czech specific RUIAN URL data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ url https://vdp.cuzk.cz/vdp/ruian/adresnimista/21735883 No
Address Czech specific building purpose (code) data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ purposeTypes/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/enums/purpose-types residential No
Address Czech specific building purpose (label) data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ purposeTypes/ name Enumeration name for /api/v3/enums/purpose-types No
Address Slovak specific building purpose (code) data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ sk/ purposeTypes/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/enums/purpose-types residential No
Address Slovak specific building purpose (label) data/ data/ address/ countrySpecific/ sk/ purposeTypes/ name Enumeration name for /api/v3/enums/purpose-types No
Location category (code) data/ data/ categories/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/locations/enums/categories cat00048 Inherited
Location category confidence data/ data/ categories/ confidence How certain are we that the location is correctly categorized (0-1) 0.9 Inherited
Location category (label) data/ data/ categories/ name Supermarkety No
Entity residing in the location unique ID data/ data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine ID unique across countries cz-company-45308314 Inherited
Entity residing in the location national ID data/ data/ company/ nationalIn 45308314 Inherited
Entity residing in the location name data/ data/ company/ name Tesco Stores ČR a.s. No
Location email data/ data/ contacts/ emails/ value info@itesco.cz No
Location email data source data/ data/ contacts/ emails/ sources currently not used null No
Location phone number data/ data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ value 00420725337109 No
Location phone number data source data/ data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources currently not used null No
Location website data/ data/ contacts/ websites/ value https://itesco.cz/prodejny/obchody-tesco/supermarket-chomutov-chomutovka No
Location website data source data/ data/ contacts/ websites/ sources currently not used null No
Location established at date data/ data/ establishedAt 2010-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 No
Location name data/ data/ name Tesco Yes
Location SharpGrid ID data/ data/ locationIn SharpGrid unique location ID BMPCZ00054975 Yes
Location picture URL data/ data/ pictures/ url https://d48-a.sdn.cz/d_48/c_img_G_C/ts6veO.jpeg?fl=res,1100,800,1, Inherited
Last check of the location picture data/ data/ pictures/ lastCheckedAt No
Location picture source (code) data/ data/ pictures/ source/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/enums/sources cz-firmycz Inherited
Location picture source (label) data/ data/ pictures/ source/ name Firmy.cz No
Location source (code) data/ data/ sources/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/enums/sources google Inherited
Location ID on source data/ data/ sources/ externalId Original record ID on source (can be used to find the record on the original source) ChIJRa2d6QsbCkcReN3VCyI74NI No
Location URL on source data/ data/ sources/ url https://www.google.com/maps/place/?q=place_id:ChIJRa2d6QsbCkcReN3VCyI74NI No
Location rating count on source data/ data/ sources/ rating/ count 377 Inherited
Location rating value as shown on source data/ data/ sources/ rating/ text/ value 3.6/5 No
Location rating value on source processed data/ data/ sources/ rating/ value 3.6 No
Location source (label) data/ data/ sources/ name Typically multiple sources from which the location is algorithmically compiled Google Maps No
Location type (code) data/ data/ type/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/locations/enums/types Physical Inherited
Location type (label) data/ data/ type/ name Physical or virtual location Physical No
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null
string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

string or null

Location type code.

Array of strings or null

Should the return payload contain buildings information?

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [