Company Collection Request

Business cards


Gets available business cards information.

path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null <uuid>
Array of strings or null (BizMachine.Prospector.Modules.Companies.DataStructures.Models.Contacts.v4.ContactType)
Enum: "Phone" "Fax" "Email" "Website" "Other" "SocialMedia"
Array of strings or null
string or null <date-time>
string or null <date-time>
string or null <date-time>
string or null <date-time>
boolean or null
boolean or null
integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [



Dataset description:

Contact details for the company split into phones, emails, urls and social media. Dataset combines 2 levels of contact details - personal and generic. While generic contacts are isolated, typically like, a personal contact (phones, emails or professional social media profiles) is linked to a person profile with name and role in the company.

All contact details are regularly verified and we guarantee availability on the source url within the previous 30 days, thereby complying with most GDPR policies. Personal contacts are verified on a weekly basis.

All our contact data originate from publicly available sources. We do not use any purchased contact lists from 3rd parties.

A contact like may be considered generic when detailed information about the person (name,role) are not explicitly published on the website or our system is unable to link these into a single profile.


cz, sk, hu

Dataset updates:

Updates of our contacts differ across sources. While in contacts sourced from company websites are parsed and verified on a continuous basis, company catalogues and contacts coming from job postings follow weekly updates.

Selected use cases:

  • avoid GDPR issues by having a publicly available source of your contact, ready to show when challenged
  • filter specific roles in your target company using our Role enumeration and approach only contacts you specifically need
  • increase conversion using our confidence indication and call the numbers we cross-validated across multiple data sources
  • monitor departures from your target company by taking advantage of our Linkedin update tracking / verification service

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-14615100 Yes
Contact person ID data/ contacts/ people/ id Internal file ID to connect a person with phones, emails, etc. 1 Inherited
Contact person unique ID data/ contacts/ people/ uniqueId cz-person-ABC12345677 Inherited
Contact full name data/ contacts/ people/ name/ text Full name of the person (first & last) as a text string Jiří Částka Inherited
Contact first name data/ contacts/ people/ name/ firstName First name of the contact person Jiří No
Contact last name data/ contacts/ people/ name/ lastName Last name of the contact person Částka No
Contact role (label) data/ contacts/ people/ roles/ text Role of the contact person in a given company Elektromechanický technik Inherited
Contact role (code) data/ contacts/ people/ roles/ code a8e26a257d Inherited
Contact role start date data/ contacts/ people/ roles/ validFrom Date, when the contact person has been first identified in the role 2021-03-15T23:36:03+00:00 Inherited
Contact role end date data/ contacts/ people/ roles/ validTo 2021-03-15T23:36:03+00:00 No
Contact department text data/ contacts/ departments/ roles/ text ABC123 Inherited
Contact department code data/ contacts/ departments/ roles/ code Handyman Inherited
Contact department start date data/ contacts/ departments/ roles/ validFrom 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 Inherited
Contact department end date data/ contacts/ departments/ roles/ validTo 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 No
Phone number unique ID data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ guid Technical phone number ID 84811132-1830-4278-1934-0a78f7636a02 Inherited
Phone number first entry data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ createdAt Date on which the phone number has been identified for the first time 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 Inherited
Phone number last update data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ updatedAt Last known update of the phone number 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 No
Phone number primary data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ isPrimary 3 most credible phone numbers (with the highest confidence) per company are referenced as "primary" True No
Phone number confidence data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ confidence Contact-to-company link confidence 0.98 Inherited
Phone number private data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ isPrivate When TRUE, the phone number has been identified as potentially linked to a specific individual (as opposed to company generic contact) True No
Phone number source URL data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources/ url Where has the phone number been found Inherited
Phone number last validity check data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources/ lastCheckedAt Date of last check, when the phone number has been found on the source 2022-02-16T12:23:52+00:00 Inherited
Phone number source (code) data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources cz-zivefirmycz Inherited
Phone number source (label) data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ sources/ name Name of the source of information No
Phone number linked contact person ID data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ person/ id Internal person reference linking the phone number to a person 42619 Inherited
Phone number data/ contacts/ phoneNumbers/ value The actual phone number 00420585157811 Inherited
Email unique ID data/ contacts/ emails/ guid TBD f52f6f95-a039-e93d-08cc-b05a62569c5c Inherited
Email first entry data/ contacts/ emails/ createdAt Date on which the email has been identified for the first time 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 Inherited
Email last update data/ contacts/ emails/ updatedAt Last known update of the email address 2022-03-04T08:58:08.17+00:00 No
Email primary data/ contacts/ emails/ isPrimary 3 most credible emails (with the highest confidence) per company are referenced as "primary" True No
Email confidence data/ contacts/ emails/ confidence 0.98 Inherited
Email private data/ contacts/ emails/ isPrivate Has thise email address been identfied as possible belonging to a specific individual (as opposed to company generic)? True No
Email source URL data/ contacts/ emails/ sources/ url Where has the email address been found Inherited
Email last validity check data/ contacts/ emails/ sources/ lastCheckedAt Date of last check, when the email address has been found on the source 2022-03-04T08:58:08+00:00 Inherited
Email source (code) data/ contacts/ emails/ sources/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources cz-uradprace Inherited
Email source (label) data/ contacts/ emails/ sources/ name Name of the source of information Úřad Práce ČR No
Email linked contact person ID data/ contacts/ emails/ person/ id Internal person reference linking the email to a person 42619 Inherited
Email data/ contacts/ emails/ value The actual email address Inherited
Website unique ID data/ contacts/ websites/ guid Uniqe ID of the specific website 49307135-52cc-b9bb-4415-e0525bc858d5 Inherited
Website first entry data/ contacts/ websites/ createdAt First date when the website was identified and linked to the company 2022-02-08T08:35:56.607+00:00 Inherited
Website last update data/ contacts/ websites/ updatedAt Latest update of the website database entry 2022-02-08T08:35:56.607+00:00 No
Website primary data/ contacts/ websites/ isPrimary 3 most credible emails (with the highest confidence) per company are referenced as "primary" True No
Website confidence data/ contacts/ websites/ confidence How confident are we that the website belongs to this company (probabilistic matching used) 0.99 Inherited
website private data/ contacts/ websites/ isPrivate Has thise email address been identfied as possible belonging to a specific individual (as opposed to company generic)? True No
Website source URL data/ contacts/ websites/ sources/ url URL of the source, where we have found the website Inherited
Website last validity check data/ contacts/ websites/ sources/ lastCheckedAt Date of last check of the information availability on source 2022-02-08T08:35:57+00:00 Inherited
Website source (code) data/ contacts/ websites/ sources/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources cz-edb Inherited
Website source (label) data/ contacts/ websites/ sources/ name Name of the source of information Evropská databanka firem No
Website linked contact person ID data/ contacts/ websites/ person/ id Internal person reference linking the email to a person 42619 Inherited
Website data/ contacts/ websites/ value The actual website URL Inherited
Social media name (code) data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ type/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources linkedin Inherited
Social media account unique ID data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ guid Uniqe ID of the specific social media profile c37707bb-8185-d709-10ba-8eb92e3113f2 Inherited
Social media account first entry data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ createdAt First date when the social media profile was identified and linked to the company 2022-03-06T09:24:57.24+00:00 Inherited
Social media account last update data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ updatedAt Latest update of the social media profile database entry 2022-03-06T09:24:57.24+00:00 No
Social media account primary data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ isPrimary Is this the primary profile for the specific social media for this company True No
Social media account confidence data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ confidence How confident are we that the social media profile belongs to this company (probabilistic matching used) 1 Inherited
Social media account private data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ isPrivate Is this social media profile personal (i.e., not a company profile, but individual person's profile) True No
Social media account source URL data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ sources/ url Inherited
Social media account last validity check data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ sources/ lastCheckedAt 2021-03-15T23:01:19+00:00 Inherited
Social media account source (code) data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ sources/ code Enumeration code for information source at /api/v3/Sources linkedin Inherited
Social media account source (label) data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ sources/ name Social media name Linkedin No
Social media account linked contact person ID data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ person/ id Internal person reference linking the LinkedIn account to a person 207342 Inherited
Social media account data/ contacts/ socialMedia/ value The actual LinkedIn profile URL Inherited
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null <uuid>
Array of strings or null (BizMachine.Prospector.Modules.Companies.DataStructures.Models.Contacts.v4.ContactType)
Enum: "Phone" "Fax" "Email" "Website" "Other" "SocialMedia"
Array of strings or null
string or null <date-time>
string or null <date-time>
string or null <date-time>
string or null <date-time>
boolean or null
boolean or null
integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [

Bank Accounts


Dataset description:

Bank accounts are useful as identifiers (unique across companies) and at the same time a bank account at a certain financial institution signals the focus of the company on international trade. Financial institutions among our clients can build useful segmentations with transition timeline between the banks.


cz, sk

Dataset updates:

Dataset is updated on a weekly to monthly basis

Selected use cases:

  • validate your banking data or use your transaction data to match customers to our data
  • monitor VAT payer status using bank accounts published in VAT registries
  • segment companies using multiple banks and/or competing banks
  • segment companies likely engaging into export/import activities using established foreign/global banks

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated?
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId unique company ID (to match with other datatsets) cz-company-14615100 Inherited
Bank account in local format data/ bankAccounts/ accountNumber account number in local country format 1152220360277/0100 No
Bank account identification date data/ bankAccounts/ validFrom first date on which the account has been identified 2018-03-05 Inherited
Bank account last valid date data/ bankAccounts/ validTo date when the bank account was cancelled 2019-03-05 No
Bank account in IBAN format data/ bankAccounts/ iban CZ8901000001152220360277 No
Local bank identification code data/ bankAccounts/ bank/ code Enumeration bank identification code for api/ v3/ companies/ banks 0100 Inherited
Bank name data/ bankAccounts/ bank/ name local bank name Komerční banka No
Bank logo data/ bankAccounts/ bank/ icon/ url No
Source of bank account (code) data/ bankAccounts/ sources/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/Sources cz-adis Inherited
Source of bank account (name) data/ bankAccounts/ sources/ name on which source has the account been identified Registr plátců DPH No
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null

Request bank accounts related to a specific bank.


Request only latest company's bank account from every bank.

Array of strings or null

Request bank account data from specific sources.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <date-time>

The start date to filter the list of bank accounts by.

string or null <date-time>

The end date to filter the list of bank accounts by.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [



Gets all available banks information.

path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null

Request bank accounts related to a specific bank.


Request only latest bank data.

Array of strings or null

Request bank account data from specific sources.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <date-time>

The start date to filter the list of bank by.

string or null <date-time>

The end date to filter the list of bank by.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [

Basic Info


Dataset description:

Basic-info dataset lists all known company entities and entrepreneurs for the country market with registration details, registered HQ address, both inferred and self-declared industry classifications and health status. If available, multiple registries are merged together to offer a unified view of the market.

Dataset updates:

For country markets where BizMachine performs data acquisition from the basic registries, we update on a daily basis. In remaining markets, the frequency varies between monthly and quarterly updates.

Selected use cases:

  • enrich your CRM records and invoicing templates using offical details
  • segment your prospects based on keyword-search in self-descriptions
  • improve accuracy of industry focus by using self-declared categories
  • segment geographically using precise and structured address data

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated?
Entity unique ID data/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-14615100 Yes
National entity ID data/ nationalIn Local entity identifier (ICO in CZ) 14615100 Yes
Company keywords data/ keywords/ keywords Keywords/ phrases associated with (describing) the entity vstřikování plastů No
Company self-declared category (name) data/ selfDeclaredCategory/ name Categories from company catalogs/ yellow pages the company is assigned to Prodej průmyslových strojů a vybavení No
Company self-declared category (code) data/ selfDeclaredCategory/ code sd-f-005466 Inherited
Company name data/ name Official entity name MAPRO spol. s r.o. No
Company VAT ID data/ vatIn VAT identification ID of the company CZ14615100 No
Company income tax ID data/ taxIn Income tax identification ID of the company CZ14615100 No
Company logo URL data/ logo/ URL Link to a company logo Inherited
Company founding date data/ establishedAt foundation date of the company 1991-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 No
Company disestablishmnet date data/ disestablishedAt disestablishment date of the company 1991-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 No
Company closing date data/ closedAt closing date of the company 1991-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 No
Court of company registration data/ registration/ court/ name court where the company registration file is held Krajský soud v Ostravě Inherited
Court registration date data/ registration/ createdAt 1991-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 No
Company registration file ID data/ registration/ fileNumber company registration file identification C 265 No
Link to company register data/ registration/ recordUrl Link to company information in business register$firma?ico=14615100&jenPlatne=VSECHNY Inherited
Type of the registration creator data/ registration/ createdBy/ type person No
Unique ID of the creator data/ registration/ createdBy/ uniqueId cz-person-12345 No
Registered capital amount data/ registeredCapital/ amount 100 No
Registered capital currency data/ registeredCapital/ currency CZK No
Deregistration date data/ deregistration/ createdAt 1991-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Inherited
Deregistration method data/ deregistration/ method Cancellation No
Company health ID data/ health/ code AA Inherited
Company health name data/ health/ name Company health in terms of ability to do business In business No
Legal form ID data/ legalForm/ code Enumeration legal form code for /api/ v3/ companies/ basic/ legal-forms 112 Inherited
Legal form data/ legalForm/ name Legal form name Limited liability company No
Institutional sector ID data/ institutionalSector/ code 11003 Inherited
Institutional sector data/ institutionalSector/ name Private/public, financial/non-financial, domestic/foreign entity Non-financial national private corporations No
HQ Address ID data/ address/ uniqueId cz-address-123456 No
HQ address data/ address/ text headqurater address as a text string Bystrovany 211, Bystrovany, 77900 Inherited
HQ address GPS latitude data/ address/ coordinates/ latitude GPS latitude coordianate 49.5897501781 Inherited
HQ address GPS longitude data/ address/ coordinates/ longitude GPS longitude coordianate 17.3141371244 Inherited
HQ street name data/ address/ streetName Na Vrchu No
HQ street number data/ address/ streetNumber Building number 211 No
HQ city data/ address/ city City/village Bystrovany No
HQ ZIP code data/ address/ postalCode ZIP code 77900 No
HQ Locality ID data/ address/ locality/ code Code from smallest child in Locality tree, e.g. City District 544256 Inherited
HQ Locality name data/ address/ locality/ name Name of smallest child in Locality tree, e.g. City District České Budějovice Inherited
HQ city part data/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ cityPart city part specific to Czechia, based on RUIAN nomenclature Praha 10 No
HQ city district data/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ cityDistrict Žižkov No
HQ orientation number data/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ orientationNumber 123 No
HQ house number data/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ houseNumber Building number 211 No
HQ is evidence number data/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ isEvidenceNumber True No
Czech address point data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ addressPointNumber "Kod adresniho mista" as recorded by RUIAN 25259300 No
Czech building ID data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ buildingNumber Building identificiation (unique across the whole Czechia) as recorded by RUIAN 24791881 No
Czech street number data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ streetNumber 123 No
Czech city borough name data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ cityBoroughNumber 123 No
Czech city district number data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ cityDistrictNumber 123 No
Czech municipality part ID data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ municipalityPartNumber Czechia-specific parameter 16691 No
Czech municipality ID data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ municipalityNumber Czechia-specific parameter 547026 No
Czech settlement unit ID data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ basicSettlementUnitNumber Czechia-specific parameter 16691 No
Czech cadaster area ID data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ cadasterAreaNumber Czechia-specific parameter 616699 No
Czech plot number data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ plotNumber 86607039010 No
Link to Czech building register profile data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ ruian/ url Link to building speifications in RUIAN No
Czech building type ID data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ purposeTypes/ code 0003 No
Czech building type name data/ address/ countrySpecific/ cz/ purposeTypes/ name purpose for which the building is meant to be used office No
Slovak building type ID data/ address/ countrySpecific/ sk/ purposeTypes/ code 0003 No
Slovak building type name data/ address/ countrySpecific/ sk/ purposeTypes/ name purpose for which the building is meant to be used office No
Company self description data/ selfDescription free text, which the entity has posted in a business catalog, on website, on LinkedIn and similar sources and which describes what the entity does Prodej technologií pro vstřikování plastů značek Zhafir a Haitian. Zabýváme se kompletní průmyslovou automatizací. Zajišťujeme záruční i pozáruční servis všech technologií, které naše firma dodává. Nabízíme školení pracovníku pro práci se stroji na vstřikování plastů. No
Is company a verified VAT payer data/ isVerifiedVatPayer No
path Parameters
query Parameters
Array of strings or null

Collection of health codes.

Array of strings or null

Collection of legal form codes.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [

Connected companies


Dataset description:

Dataset lists companies related to a given company via one or many connections:

  • ownership link (a person owns both companies, a company owns the connected company or vice versa)
  • statutory (both connected companies share a statutory representative)

Ownership chains can span across an ownership hierarchy, connecting companies which are connected through a third entity they both have a share in. For some selected ownership connections (typically depending on legal form) an exact share cannot be retrieved. As statutories can hold different roles in either of the connected companies, "inCompany" and "inConnectedCompany" roles are distinguished.

The dataset is naturally historized and some connections are invalid, having a non-empty data/connectedCompanies/company/activeTo node. This allows the user to reconstruct historical version of the company network.


cz, sk

Dataset updates:

Dataset is updated on a weekly basis

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-14615100 Yes
Connected entity unique ID data/ connectedCompanies/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID of the connected entity cz-company-04732936 Yes
Connected entity national ID data/ connectedCompanies/ company/ nationalIn Local entity identifier (ICO in CZ) of the connected entity 4732936 Yes
Connected entity company name data/ connectedCompanies/ company/ name Minerva Capital a.s. No
Type of relationship between connected entities (code) data/ connectedCompanies/ relationshipType/ code Enumeration code for /api/v3/companies/relationship-types other Yes
Type of relationship between connected entities (label) data/ connectedCompanies/ relationshipType/ name Description of the connection type between entities Jiné No
Any active connected entities relationship start date data/ connectedCompanies/ activeFrom When has the relationship between the entities been established (the "oldest" of all connections) 2020-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Yes
Any active connected entities relationship end date data/ connectedCompanies/ activeTo When has the relationship between the entities ended 2020-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 No
Distance data/ connectedCompanies/ distance 0.5 No
Connector entity unique ID data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ uniqueID Unique ID of the connecting element between the connecting entities cz-person-n5340564926533919046 Inherited
Connector company natinonal ID data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ nationalIn National ID of the connecting element between the connecting entities 12345678 Inherited
Connector entity name data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ name Martin Lucký Inherited
Type of connector entity (legal, private) data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ type Person Inherited
Specific connection between connected companies start date data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ activeFrom Since when does this particular connection exist 2020-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Inherited
Date of when the connections stopped being active data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ activeTo 2020-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 No
Role of connector entity in the queried company data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inCompany Recursive object No
Type of role of connector entity in the queried company data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inCompany/ type Statutory Inherited
Connector entity role in queried company start date data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inCompany/ activeFrom Date on which the connector entity became active in its role in the queried company. 2020-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Inherited
Connector entity role in queried company ended date data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inCompany/ activeTo Date on which the connector entity stopped being active in its role in the queried company. 2020-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 No
Type of connection data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inCompany/ connectionType/ code partner Inherited
Ownership share of connector entity in the queried company data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inCompany/ share 1.0 Inherited
Role of connector entity in the queried company data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inCompany/ text/ value Jednatel Inherited
Type of role of connector entity in the queried company data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inConnectedCompany/ type Statutory Inherited
Connector entity role in queried company start date data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inConnectedCompany/ activeFrom Date on which the connector entity became active in its role in the queried company. 2020-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Inherited
Connector entity role in queried company ended date data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inConnectedCompany/ activeTo Date on which the connector entity stopped being active in its role in the queried company. 2020-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 No
Type of connection data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inConnectedCompany/ connectionType/ code partner Inherited
Ownership share of connector entity in the queried company data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inConnectedCompany/ share 1.0 Inherited
Role of connector entity in the queried company data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inConnectedCompany/ text/ value Jednatel Inherited
Role of connector entity in the connected company data/ connectedCompanies/ connections/ roles/ inConnectedCompany Recursive object No
Technical item data/ connectedCompanies/ metrics/ revenue/ type Polymorphic identifier CategoryValueCurrency Inherited
Revenue (category) of connected company validity start data/ connectedCompanies/ metrics/ revenue/ validFrom 2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Inherited
Revenue (category) of connected company validity end data/ connectedCompanies/ metrics/ revenue/ validTo 2020-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 No
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [



Dataset description:

Indicators describe how a company ranks in a selected topic when compared to other companies. Each indicator is a summary of multiple individual drivers.

Some commonly available indicators are:

Activity evaluates how "alive" a company is. Drivers such as hiring, self-promotion, report submission, media coverage, website status enter the indicator. Reachability evaluates how a company publishes and updates its contact information, effectively allowing the outer world to get in touch. Growth evaluates metrics and activity describing dynamics of the company. Drivers typically include changes in revenue, staff, purchase of assets.



Dataset updates:

Indicators are recalculated on a weekly basis.

Selected use cases:

  • remove shell or SPV companies from your portfolio by filtering on Activity
  • identify opportunities for your sales using Growth
  • increase conversions and acquisition speed using Reachability

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-61503339 Yes
Activity indicator value data/ indicators/ activity/ timeline/ value Position on a scale from 0 (worst) to 100 46 Inherited
Activity indicator driver (code) data/ indicators/ activity/ timeline/ drivers/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/companies/enums/indicator-drivers (multiple drivers allowed) MRK00054 Inherited
Activity indicator driver weight data/ indicators/ activity/ timeline/ drivers/ weight How many "points" does the driver contribute to the indicator (multiple drivers allowed) 15 Inherited
Activity indicator driver (label) data/ indicators/ activity/ timeline/ drivers/ name Name of the contributing driver Google profile Inherited
Activity indicator driver validity start data/ indicators/ activity/ timeline/ validFrom When was the driver identified 2022-03-13T00:00:00+00:00 Inherited
Activity indicator driver validity end data/ indicators/ activity/ timeline/ validTo 2022-03-13T00:00:00+00:00 No
Reachability indicator value data/ indicators/ reachability/ timeline/ value Position on a scale from 0 (worst) to 100 51 Inherited
Reachability indicator driver (code) data/ indicators/ reachability/ timeline/ drivers/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/companies/enums/indicator-drivers (multiple drivers allowed) MRK00124 Inherited
Reachability indicator driver weight data/ indicators/ reachability/ timeline/ drivers/ weight How many "points" does the driver contribute to the indicator (multiple drivers allowed) -60 Inherited
Reachability indicator driver (label) data/ indicators/ reachability/ timeline/ drivers/ name Name of the contributing driver HQ at frequented address (risk of SPV) Inherited
Reachability indicator driver validity start data/ indicators/ reachability/ timeline/ validFrom When was the driver identified 2022-03-13T00:00:00+00:00 Inherited
Reachability indicator driver validity end data/ indicators/ reachability/ timeline/ validTo 2022-03-13T00:00:00+00:00 No
Growth indicator value data/ indicators/ growth/ timeline/ value Position on a scale from 0 (worst) to 100 62 Inherited
Growth indicator driver (code) data/ indicators/ growth/ timeline/ drivers/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/companies/enums/indicator-drivers (multiple drivers allowed) MRK00051 Inherited
Growth indicator driver weight data/ indicators/ growth/ timeline/ drivers/ weight How many "points" does the driver contribute to the indicator (multiple drivers allowed) 36 Inherited
Growth indicator driver (label) data/ indicators/ growth/ timeline/ drivers/ name Name of the contributing driver Very intensive hiring activity during last 6 months Inherited
Growth indicator driver validity start data/ indicators/ growth/ timeline/ validFrom When was the driver identified 2022-03-13T00:00:00+00:00 Inherited
Growth indicator driver validity end data/ indicators/ growth/ timeline/ validTo 2022-03-13T00:00:00+00:00 No
path Parameters
query Parameters

If set to true expired timeline entries will be returned; otherwise only valid ones are returned.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [



Dataset description:

Metrics provide convenient summaries across other available datasets. Some metrics are taken from other datasets at face value (typically basic financials).

Every company metric has a "timeline" array. The array contains elements with metric value and time interval in which metric value is relevant.

Every metric can have its specific metric value type. Possible metric types are:

  • CategoryValueCurrency
  • Category
  • ValueRatio
  • ValueBool
  • ValueCurrency
  • Value
  • ValueRange
  • ValueRangeCurrency
  • ValueRangeRatio


cz, sk, hu

Availablity of metrics across markets differs significnatly. The below applies to cz only:

Metric Metric Type Description
agriculturalLandMetersSquared Value Total land farmed by company in square meters.
agriculturalSubsidiesRecipientYearly ValueCurrency Agricultural subsidies which company received per calendar year; subset of subsidiesRecipientYearly.
capitalIntensityRatio ValueRatio Total company assets divided by total revenues. Lower the ratio, the less capital company needs to invest to run its business.
connectedCompaniesAggregatedEmployees ValueRange Connected companies' aggregated employees
connectedCompaniesAggregatedRevenues ValueRangeCurrency or ValueCurrency Connected companies' aggregated revenues
connectedCompaniesCount Value Connected companies count
costOfGoodsSold ValueCurrency Sourced directly from financial statements. (The direct costs of producing the goods sold by a company. It includes the cost of the materials and labor directly used to create the good. It excludes indirect expenses, such as distribution and sales force costs.)
ebit ValueCurrency Sourced directly from financial statements. Profit before interests and taxes.
ebitda ValueCurrency Profit before interest, taxes, deprecation and amortization. Calculated from ebit plus D&A.
ebitMargin ValueRatio Calculated ratio of ebit to total revenue. (Lower ebit margin means reduction in revenue or higher cost management. Higher ebit margin means more profitable business or more efficient cost management.)
employees Category Total number of employees expressed by category code. Employee ranges are sourced from Czech Statistical Office as reported by Czech Social Security Administration with approximately few months delay.
employees12MonthsAvgGrowth ValueRatio Change in the number of employees over the last 12 months. If calculated from range, the middle value of the interval is used for the computation
employees24MonthsAvgGrowth ValueRatio Change in the number of employees over the last 24 months. If calculated from range, the middle value of the interval is used for the computation
foreignOwnershipShare ValueRatio Share of owners of the company residing in other countries than Czechia.
isExporter ValueBool Boolean value indicating whether company is likely exporter; based on a set of various features.
isFarmer ValueBool Boolean value indicating whether the underlying company is likely a farmer; based on a set of various features.
isImporter ValueBool Boolean value indicating whether company is likely importer; based on a set of various features.
latestFinancialsAvailable Value Year from which the latest financials are available. (Note that when the accounting period ends for example in March 2019, the value of this metric can be 2018 as most of the value generated by the given company were generated in that year.)
netProfit ValueCurrency Sourced directly from the financial statements.
netProfitMargin ValueRatio Ratio of net profit to total revenue. (0.1 profit margin means for each $1 of revenue the company earns $0.10 in net profit.)
openJobCountCurrentAnnonce Value Number of company's current job openings advertised on the "" website.
openJobCountCurrentJobsCz Value Number of company's current job openings advertised on the "" website.
openJobCountCurrentLaborOfficeCz Value Number of company's current job openings advertised on the "" website.
openJobCountCurrentPraceCz Value Number of company's current job openings advertised on the "" website.
openJobCountCurrentProfesiaCz Value Number of company's current job openings advertised on the "" website.
openJobCountCurrentProfesiaSk Value Number of company's current job openings advertised on the "" website.
openJobCountCurrentStartupJobs Value Number of company's current job openings advertised on the "" website.
openJobCountCurrentTotal Value Sum of all company's current job openings advertised on all monitored websites such as "", "" etc.
openJobCountMonthly Value Number of company's open job by specific months.
openJobCount12MonthsAverage Value Average of company's open jobs per year. Calculated as simple average of the last 12 months.
openJobCountCurrentTo12MonthsAverage ValueRatio Ratio of openJobCountCurrentTotal to openJobCount12MonthsAverage.
openJobCountCurrentTotalToEmployees ValueRangeRatio Sum of all company's job current openings divided by total number of employees. Result is in lower and upper bound since number of employees are expressed by category code referring to a value range.
personnelMonthlyCostPerEmployee ValueRangeCurrency Personnel cost divided by 12 (months) and by number of employees. Result is in lower and upper bound since number of employees are expressed by category code referring to a value range.
personnelCost ValueCurrency Sourced directly from financial statements. (Total amount of money (including taxes, social security insurance etc.) payable by employer to employees.)
privateOwnershipShare ValueRatio Sum of natural persons' shares in the company. (Only direct ownership is taken into account.)
publicContractsBuyerLast12Months ValueCurrency Sum of values of public contracts from the last 12 months where a company appears as buyer.
publicContractsBuyerYearly ValueCurrency Sum of values of public contracts where a company appears as buyer, per calendar year.
publicContractsSupplierLast12Months ValueCurrency Value of public contracts from the last 12 months where a company appears as supplier.
publicContractsSupplierYearly ValueCurrency Sum of values of public contracts where a company appears as supplier, per calendar year.
publicOwnershipShare ValueRatio Ratio of public ownership share in the company. Mostly based on institutional sector of the company as sourced from the Czech Statistical Office.
registeredCapital ValueCurrency Registered capital sourced from Business Register.
revenue Category or CategoryValueCurrency Total revenues, either sourced directly from financial statements where available or as reported to the Czech Statistical Office.
revenueGrowth ValueRatio Increase, or decrease, in a company’s sales between two periods. Formula is (total revenue t0 - _total revenue t-1) - 1
revenuePerEmployee ValueRangeCurrency Ratio of total revenue to number of employees.((Roughly measures how much money each employee generates for the company.)
subsidiesRecipientLast12Months ValueCurrency Subsidies which company received in the last 12 months.
subsidiesRecipientYearly ValueCurrency Subsidies which company received per calendar year.
valueAddedRatio ValueRatio Calculated as value added divided by total revenues. Value added is sourced directly from financial statements, roughly as operating revenues minus operating expenses.
vehiclesOperatedTotal Value Total number of company's operated vehicles.
vehiclesOwnedTotal Value Total number of company's owned vehicles.
vehiclesRegistered12Months Value Number of company's vehicles registered in last 12 months.
vehiclesRegistered12MonthsChange ValueRatio Ratio of change in number of registered vehicles in 12 months.
whiteCollar ValueRatio A Bizmachine estimate of the white collar workers in the company based on various features of the company.
Dataset updates:

Metrics are updated at varying frequency as each metric is computed as a summary/aggregate of one of our other datasets (f.e. vehicle related metrics depend on the update of the vehicles dataset). Please follow documentation of other datasets to learn their updates.

Selected use cases:

  • segment companies by size using multiple criteria (revenue, assets, hiring, fleet size)
  • compute trend of metrics in time
  • compute your own ratios (vehicles per employee, white collar employees, employee turnaround from hiring)

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-46965823 Yes
Company metric name data/ company/ metrics/ metricName/ name Name of the metric Connected companies' aggregated employees Yes
Company metric parameter 1 data/ company/ metrics/ metricName/ timeline/ lowerBound 150 No
Company metric parameter N data/ company/ metrics/ metricName/ timeline/ upperBound 298 No
Type of company metric data/ company/ metrics/ metricName/ timeline/ type ValueRange Yes
Company metric current value start date data/ company/ metrics/ metricName/ timeline/ validFrom First date when the current value of metric has been identified 2018-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Yes
Company metric current value end date data/ company/ metrics/ metricName/ timeline/ validTo Last date when the current value of metric has been identified 2018-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 No
Company metric category code data/ company/ metrics/ metricName/ timeline/ category/ code 19 No
Company metric category with value data/ company/ metrics/ metricName/ timeline/ value/ amount 27560000.0 No
Company metric category with currency data/ company/ metrics/ metricName/ timeline/ value/ currency CZK No
Company metric value data/ company/ metrics/ metricName/ timeline/ value Can be number or a boolean 1000 No
Company metric unit of value data/ company/ metrics/ metricName/ timeline/ value/ unit m2 No
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [

NACE Codes


Dataset description:

NACE codes are a system of European industry classification. Most commonly a national statistical authority is responsible for maintaining NACE enumeration and assignment of companies into or multiple NACE categories. In addition to collection of official datasets, BizMachine uses an AI model (cz only) to classify the company into a "true" NACE code given free-text description on the website or other company catalogues. Such codes are available in the dataset as "identified"


cz, sk, hu

Dataset updates:

Dataset is updated on a monthly basis

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-05450641 Yes
Source(s) of primary NACE data (code) data/ nace/ primary/ source/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/Sources cz-czso Inherited
Source(s) of primary NACE data (label) data/ nace/ primary/ source/ name Český statistický úřad No
Primary NACE validated data/ nace/ primary/ isVerified NACE validated using an alternative source False No
Primary NACE (code) data/ nace/ primary/ code NACE enumeration for /api/v3/nace-codes 74 Yes
Primary NACE (label) data/ nace/ primary/ name Name of the NACE as published by public administration Other professional, scientific and technical activities No
Confidence in identified NACE code data/ nace/ primary/ confidence 0.9 Inherited
Primary NACE identification method data/ nace/ primary/ type Is the NACE found on source or probabilisticaly determined (Source/Identified) Source Yes
Source(s) of non-primary NACE data (code) data/ nace/ other/ source/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/Sources cz-czso Inherited
Source(s) of non-primary NACE data (label) data/ nace/ other/ source/ name Český statistický úřad No
Non-primary NACE validated data/ nace/ other/ isVerified NACE validated using an alternative source False No
Non-primary NACE (code) data/ nace/ other/ code NACE enumeration for /api/v3/nace-codes 6820 Yes
Non-primary NACE (label) data/ nace/ other/ name Renting and operating of own or leased real estate No
Non-primary NACE identification method data/ nace/ other/ type Is the NACE found on source or probabilisticaly determined (Source/Identified) Source Yes
Confidence in identified NACE code data/ nace/ other/ confidence 0.9 No
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null

Specific NACE code to search by.

string (BizMachine.Ultimate.DataStructures.v1.Company.Models.NaceCodes.Enums.NaceTypeEnum)

Type of the NACE code.

Enum: "Source" "Identified"
boolean or null

Should the return data contain only primary NACE codes?

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [

Owned Companies


Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-45274649 Yes
Owned entity unique ID data/ ownedCompanies/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-00128201 Inherited
Owned entity national ID data/ ownedCompanies/ nationalIn Local entity identifier (ICO in CZ) 00128201 Inherited
Owned entity name data/ ownedCompanies/ name ŠKODA PRAHA a.s. Inherited
Owned entity HQ address (code) data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ uniqueId Enumeration location unique ID for /api/v3/Addresses/ cz-address-ruian-025583697 Inherited
Owned entity HQ address (text) data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ text headquarter address as a text string Duhová 1444/2, Praha, 14000 No
Owned entity HQ address GPS latitude data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ coordinates/ latitude GPS latitude coordianate 50.0492642173 No
Owned entity HQ address GPS longitude data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ coordinates/ longitude GPS longitude coordianate 14.4519368372 No
Owned entity HQ address street name data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ coordinates/ StreetName Duhová No
Owned entity HQ street number data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ streetNumber Building number 211 No
Owned entity HQ city data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ city City/village Bystrovany No
Owned entity HQ ZIP code data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ postalCode ZIP code 77900 No
Owned entity HQ locality (code) data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ locality/ code Enumeration for /api/v3/enums/localities 500119 No
Owned entity HQ locality (label) data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ locality/ name Praha 4 No
Owned entity HQ city part (country specific) data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ cityPart city part specific to Czechia, based on RUIAN nomenclature Michle No
Owned entity HQ city district (country specific) data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ cityDistrict city district specific to Czechia, based on RUIAN nomenclature Praha 4 No
Owned entity HQ orientation number (country specific) data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ orientationNumber Quick orientation building number 2 No
Owned entity HQ house number (country specific) data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ houseNumber Building number 1444 No
Owned entity HQ address Czech-specific data data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ ruian/ multiple items from RUIAN No
Owned entity HQ link to Czech building register profile (country specific) data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ ruian/ url Link to building specifications in RUIAN No
Owned entity HQ building type (code) data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ purposeTypes/ code Enumeration building type for /api/v3/purpose-types offices No
Owned entity HQ building type (label) data/ ownedCompanies/ address/ countrySpecific/ CZ/ purposeTypes/ name Purpose for which the building is meant to be used Offices No
Owned entity type data/ ownedCompanies/ type Legal form category of owned entity Company Yes
Ownership share in owned entity data/ ownedCompanies/ share 0-100% 1 No
Owner role in owned entity data/ ownedCompanies/ role akcionář No
Ownership start date data/ ownedCompanies/ validFrom 2005-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Inherited
Ownership end date data/ ownedCompanies/ validTo 2020-08-21T00:00:00+00:00 No
Ownership data source (code) data/ ownedCompanies/ source/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/Sources cz-or Inherited
Ownership data source (label) data/ ownedCompanies/ source/ name Obchodní rejstřík No
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [



Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId BizMachine identifier combining country and entity type information and local ID cz-company-46965823 Yes
Owner person name data/ owners/ name Ing. Boris Lucký Yes
Source of the information of ownership data/ owners/ source cz-or Yes
Owner person date of birth data/ owners/ dateOfBirth 1955-11-16 No
Owner person registered address data/ owners/ address/ uniqueId Source enum code for /api/v3/Addresses/ cz-address-ruian-023250674 Inherited
Unique pseudonymized person ID data/ owners/ uniqueId cz-person-3902469372372050907 Inherited
Type of owner person (legal, private) data/ owners/ type Person Yes
Ownership share data/ owners/ share 0.55 No
Ownership start date data/ owners/ validFrom 1997-04-14 Yes
Ownership end date data/ owners/ validTo 1997-04-14 No
Owner role data/ owners/ role/ value společník s vkladem Inherited
path Parameters
query Parameters
string (BizMachine.Ultimate.DataStructures.v1.Company.Models.Owners.Enums.OwnerEntityType)

Restrict the response to only owners of this type.

Enum: "Company" "Person" "Unknown" "ForeignCompany"
string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

string or null <date-time>

The start date to filter the list of owners by.

string or null <date-time>

The end date to filter the list of owners by.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [



Dataset description:

Dataset contains list of risks associated with a company. Each type of a risk is entered as unique property under node risks and it's name should match entry in dictionary of risk-types. Risk may form a timeline and can be assigned and removed over time.

Dataset updates:

Dataset is updated on a bi-weekly basis, with selected events updated daily.

Selected use cases:

  • filter out companies affected by different risk events
  • mitigate secondary risk by observing risks in connected companies network

Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Always populated? Path Item description Example Always populated?
Entity unique ID Yes company/ uniqueId unique company ID (to match with other datatsets) cz-company-45309183 Yes
Risk label No risks/ riskName/ name name of the risk Bankrot No
Risk severity Inherited risks/ riskName/ timeline/ severity how "bad" is the risk for a given stage (0 = none, 1 = low, 10 = high) 10 Inherited
Risk start date Inherited risks/ riskName/ timeline/ validFrom since when is the entity in this stage 2022-03-03T00:00:00+00:00 Inherited
Risk end date No risks/ riskName/ timeline/ validTo 2022-03-03T00:00:00+00:00 No
Connected company ID Inherited risks/ riskName/ timeline/ connectedCompanies/ uniqueId cz-company-14615100 Inherited
Connected company NationalIN Inherited risks/ riskName/ timeline/ connectedCompanies/ nationalIn 14615100 Inherited
Connected company name No risks/ riskName/ timeline/ connectedCompanies/ name Firma s.r.o. No
Source of risk data (code) Inherited risks/ bankruptcy/ timeline/ sources/ code Enumeration code of information source for /api/v3/Sources cz-isir Inherited
Source of risk data (label) No risks/ bankruptcy/ timeline/ sources/ name name of the information source Insolvenční rejstřík No
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null

Specific risk code to search by.

Array of strings or null

Collection of source codes to search by.


Should the return data contain only latest entries?

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [



Endpoint variables description:

Item commercial name Path Item description Example Always populated
Entity unique ID data/ company/ uniqueId unique company ID (to match with other datatsets) cz-company-14615100 Yes
Type of statutory person (legal, private) data/ statutories/ type is the statutory a physical person or a legal entity Person Yes
Statutory role data/ statutories/ role role in which the statutory represents the entity jednatel Yes
Statutory role start date data/ statutories/ validFrom since when has the statutory assumed the role 2020-11-09 Yes
Statutory role end date data/ statutories/ validTo until when was the statutory active in the role 2020-11-09 No
Source(s) of statutory data (code) data/ statutories/ sources/ code Source enum code for /api/v3/Sources cz-or Inherited
Source(s) of statutory data (label) data/ statutories/ sources/ name Obchodni rejstrik No
path Parameters
query Parameters
string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset starting from this value.

string or null <date-time>

Search data by System.DateTimeOffset up to this value.

string or null <uuid>

Unique identifier.

integer <int32>

Allows to specify offset from where to start streaming results. Default value: 0

integer <int32>
Default: 200

Allows to specify limit of returned data.

string or null

Sorting order and field to sort by in format sorting-order Valid orders: desc, asc.

Example: desc(createdAt)



Response samples
  • "paging": {
  • "data": [